Just Like A Halloween Thief, They Stole My Idea!
Remember back a couple of years ago when I started a petition to move Halloween to the last Saturday of October? Well, the people at the Halloween & Costume Association have stolen my idea and started a petition of their own! They only started their petition last year, so mine was first. That’s all the evidence I need. They stole it!
To be fair, my petition did not gain much traction. I garnered a whole whopping four signatures. All of those from loyal readers of this blog. Seeing as how I have about 6.5 readers, it’s a pretty good percentage. No, I’m not going to tell you the exact percent because as you know, Ari and math are not buddies. It’s still a good percentage to me. To the change.org people, not so much. They closed my petition after a while of no action.
As you can see from above, their petition is gaining a lot more traction. The news story says there are 66,000 signatures, but as of this morning when I checked, it was well over 100,000. So just like a political candidate that loses a primary election and then backs the winner of their party, I’ll admit defeat and throw in my lot with the Halloween & Costume Association. However, the only party I’m interested in is the Halloween party!
Their petition is largely based on it being safer for the kids, with a little bit of being easier on the parents thrown in for good measure. I have to say that my motivation was not that altruistic. I wanted Halloween moved to the last Saturday of October so I could go to parties, drink, and then have the next day to recover before having to go back to work. I don’t even drink anymore but I’ll still support the cause for those that do. Besides, I know there are people that signed the petition that silently did it for the same reason as me. Yes, I signed it. No, I wasn’t silent. I openly admitted what my motivation was in the comment block of the petition. Besides, I also support the safety of the kids and have sympathy for the parents.
If you signed my petition a couple of years ago, you’re a treat and I urge you to sign this one too. If you didn’t sign mine, still go sign this one. I won’t hold it against you that you waited for a more sexy petition than mine, although that trick does sting a bit.
8 thoughts on “Just Like A Halloween Thief, They Stole My Idea!”
I don’t believe I was following you a couple of years ago or I would have signed your petition. Of course, even if they changed the date, there will still be people who will celebrate on the 31st, so it’s all good – 2 parties and multiple purchases of sweets. (The American Dental Association and all candy manufacturers are keeping low profiles but are secretly clapping their hands gleefully)!
Ha! You are right. Snickers has already stated that if the petition works they’ll give away 1 million free candy bars.
Well, I tried to sign it but the page keeps disappearing! I do have a 13 year old computer with no more upgrades available, so that may be why.
Disappearing like a ghost? I just got chills!
Technically you also did it for the kids, and to make it easier for parents. The “kid” in your case just happened to be Saturday night you who wanted to party and have a good time, and the “parent” was Sunday you who needs to recover and who only has a fuzzy idea of what went on last night.
And I think of this as a case of great minds thinking alike, although they could have done a little research and acknowledged your great mind.
Anyway I’ll sign and even though you’re no longer drinking I hope you still have a fun Halloween party this year. In the morning you won’t need as much time to recover and you’ll have a clearer idea of what went on the night before.
Christopher recently posted…And, Having Writ, Moves On…
I like the way you think and one definite benefit of not drinking anymore is that hangovers are a thing of the past.
I would sign now but a few years ago I would have been a hard no. I loved when Halloween fell on a weekday when the kids were still trick or treating. a) they would have to go to bed early and I would ‘sort’ their candy for them, b) I could go to a party on the Saturday for grown-ups and still be at the door handing out candy, and c) ‘sort’ means sample. In theory, now that the kids are teenagers, they can work the door while I go out. In reality, they are teenagers and I still work the door while they go out. I will turn out the lights if more than 100 kids show up to allow for sorting of the leftover candy since I buy 120 of everything. I still win.
Kristine Laco recently posted…15 Menopause Symptoms I Wish I Didn’t Have
Ha! I’m down with you on the candy leftover strategy. I actually pull my cut out before the bowl makes it’s way to the front porch.