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Month: February 2020

Where Have All The Chat Rooms Gone?

Where Have All The Chat Rooms Gone?

That’s a good question Paula. Back in the early 90’s I chatted on Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). You had to dial them up directly with a modem and usually only had a hand full of lines. They were also only local. It was still a blast and I met some really good friends that I still have today through them. I also met my second wife on a BBS, whom (did I use that right?) I don’t still have today,…

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Hello Sunshine

Hello Sunshine

Don’t let that featured image scare you. I know it’s sparkly but there won’t be any angsty teenage vampires in this post. Tom over at Tom Being Tom, nominated me for a Sunshine Award! Thanks Tom! Tom and I have recently become friends in the blogosphere. He’s a great guy and we have a similar writing styles that often see us breaking the fourth wall. We have a lot of common interests; dogs, superhero comics and movies, and the love…

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Sawyer Goes To The Lake

Sawyer Goes To The Lake

I got to spend the Valentine’s Day weekend up in my beloved Mountains with my wife and best friend, Michelle, and our two children, Sawyer, and Finn. They are furry four-legged children. The trip was awesome! I didn’t want to come home and thought very seriously about running away. But then I wouldn’t be able to afford internet service anymore and I didn’t want to deprive y’all of my presence. So I reluctantly returned home. We met a couple with…

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It’s Not A Bug, It’s A Feature

It’s Not A Bug, It’s A Feature

I recently posted a story about where I ended up doing the right thing in the end. I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about me, so now I’ll post one where I didn’t listen to the little angel on my shoulder. As a matter of fact, I don’t even remember the angel even showing up for this one. It was December 25th 1980-something and I got a Walkman for Christmas. Remember those? I went everywhere with that…

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