For the backstory on this series of posts see here.
My sixth post in this series. Only 636 more to go. If the world ends due to mass corona virus hysteria it will give me an excuse for not finishing this self appointed assignment in my lifetime. OK, randomly flipping the page… to this one!
Your worst experience on an airplane.
Oh man, as someone who has done A LOT of traveling for my job, I have a plethora of experiences to choose from. I’ve narrowed it down to two. One of them was a harrowing flight in the tail end of a hurricane. That one was scary but it wasn’t really funny. Well, except for the guy who refused to buckle his seat belt and went flying into the overhead during a 1000 foot plunge. Probably wasn’t funny to him, but it was to me, at least when I had time to think about it after cleaning off some over spray from the lady behind me that puked. Not enough material for a post though, so I am going with the other one.
I was flying from California to Washington DC. It was a five hour flight. As I was standing in line to check in at LAX I glanced out into the crowd and saw this woman. How do I describe her without being accused of shaming? Let’s just say she was a rather large girl. To the tune of 400+ pounds large. I remember thinking, Sure feel sorry for the person sitting next to her. I completed my check in, got through security, and went to the gate. To pass the time before the flight was called I read a book. After some time had passed I looked up over the top of my book to find the same woman sitting (in two chairs mind you) in the gate area. Uh oh, the odds of me not being the one I would feel sorry for had just been drastically reduced. Come on, I thought, this plane holds like 300 people. Still good odds.
When it was time to board I went in an early group thanks to my frequent flyer status. I settled down in my window seat and got all my stuff situated for the long flight. I always choose a window seat because I don’t like to be disturbed by people that need to get up. I hit the bathroom right before the flight and as long as it is not an international flight, I stay in my seat the whole time. My usual routine would be to pull my book out again and tune out the sounds of others boarding. Not this time. This time I was eagerly watching the progression of the cattle as they made their way down the aisle. As of now, there were still two empty seats beside me and I was very concerned about who my row mates were going to be. Then I saw her. She was having some difficulty walking down the aisle. She had to kind of side shuffle it and her, shall we say, bulk, was slapping people that had already taken aisle seats ahead of me.
I started to chant in my head. Please don’t sit here. Please, please, please not here! As she truffle shuffled her way down the aisle, stopped at my row, and checked her boarding pass, I realized much to my dismay, she was sitting here. What are the odds? I should have bought a lottery ticket. All was not lost though. She had a traveling companion that I would later find out was her husband. This dude was thin as a rail and he took the middle seat beside me. Honey Boo Boo took the aisle seat. When I say took I mean somehow morphed her way into the seat. There was a considerable amount of bulk overflowing in all directions. Her poor husband was smashed up against my seat but I remained relatively unaffected. I said a quick prayer of thanks to the flying Gods and delved back into my book.

When we taxied out to the runway I could swear it looked like the wing tip on our side of the plane was trailing awfully close to the tarmac. Once airborne, I had an image in my head of the pilot having to constantly keep the yoke of the plane cocked to one side to keep the plane level, like when your tires are out of alignment on your car. This thought probably pissed karma off because it decided to bitch slap me.
Once we reached our cruising altitude the flight attendants started the beverage service. That service came to an abrupt halt when it reached our row. Honey Boo Boo’s bulk was hanging so far out into the aisle they could not get the cart past her. This is when karma, through the request of one of the flight attendants, stuck it to me. She asked Honey Boo Boo if she could trade seats with her husband so they could keep the aisle clear. I screamed NOOOOOOOO! But only in my head. My face conveyed that sentiment though.

Honey Boo Boo switched seats and now her hubby was crammed out into the aisle, but not so far as to impede the roach coach’s travel. Me? I was sharing my seat with Boo Boo bulk that had me pressed up against the bulkhead. The side of my face was smashed against the window like I was trying to make funny faces at the birds flying by. The flight attendant asked me if I wanted something to drink. I asked for a soda and when I got it I realized I could not put my tray down to sit it on. That’s how much bulk was distributed throughout the row. Later on during meal service (this was back before they got so cheap and offered it on any long flight) I had to decline as I couldn’t possibly hold the tray in the little space available to me and eat at the same time.
So this is how the next four and a half hours went. At one point the guy in front of Honey Boo Boo tried to recline his seat. Not happening bud! Too much bulk in the way too allow it. That didn’t stop him from trying though. I think he thought there was something wrong with his seat. He started to slam back and forth into the seat back like he was trying to unstick it. Every time he did this the seat would slam into Honey Boo Boo’s immovable mass and bounce it back like a trampoline. She would utter this audible grunt on each try but she never said anything to the guy. Neither did bean pole hubby. I thought about saying something but with my face and accompanying mouth pressed up against the window, I could hardly form any intelligible words. When I asked for the soda earlier it sounded like I was speaking in tongues.

When we landed in DC I was never more happy to be in that wretched hive of scum and villainy. When Honey Boo Boo and Beanpole got up I finally got my first maximum lungs capacity of air I had been able to take in four hours. I almost passed out from the excess oxygen. That’s my worst experience on a plane, other than having to sit in a middle seat, but let’s face it, that’s everyone’s worst experience. Got a bad flying experience story? Tell me about it in the comments. Or better yet, come tell me and others about it in the Just A Small Chat Room! I’ve had a few people drop in since I’ve opened it with one regular visitor. I won’t name names but she likes chickens and taking pictures of rocks and food. So the rest of you get your asses in there! I know a lot of you are at work during my peak availability but I have some advice for you. Screw work! Open a spreadsheet and hide the chat window behind it. Your boss will never know and I am sure that Kevin from IT can be persuaded to keep his mouth shut with a Mountain Dew and Pepperoni Hot Pocket bribe. Also, as much as I know it would pain you to miss me, I don’t have to be in there for you to chat among yourselves. So come on and let’s see if we can break the record of three people in the chat room at one time. You are going to be COVID-19 quarantined soon anyway. Might as well do it to pass the time. Just wash your hands before you come in.

19 thoughts on “642 THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT – 6/642”
Nightmare trip!
My own: flying Boise to NJ/Newark (eventual destination, Manhattan), 2007. Had an aisle seat (unlike you, I have a small bladder). When I tried to put my seat back one tiny notch (upright airline seats make my back hurt), I felt it being pushed back up. Odd. Tried again, this time the push back up was more violent. Then I felt feet pressing again my seat, like a kid being a brat. I waited a few minutes, then got up as if heading for the bathroom and eyeballed a 30-something guy sitting behind me. I told a flight attendant what happened. She instructed me to return to my seat and put it back. She watched as a I did and saw the guy push it back up. She told him not to, then standing next to me, had me put my seat back; she insisted I put it back TWO notches. All seemed well, me reading a book in my seat. Then, as my eyes were on my book I noticed out of the corner of my eye someone – nasty guy behind me – walking slowly up the aisle past me, a phone in his palm pointing right at me, as if taking video. I went back, found the same flight attendant, and told her. She sent me back to my seat and shortly after Nasty Guy returned to his, she and another attendant instructed him to get his stuff, they were moving him up to a bulkhead seat (which seemed a bit like rewarding him for bad behavior but I was glad he was no longer behind me). A bit later, attendant told me that the captain had radioed ahead and FBI agents would escort the guy off the plane; I was to wait in my seat until they talked to me. What? We’re landing at midnight; I need to get to my cousin’s in Manhattan! But I did as instructed. When an FBI agent finally talked to me, I said I just wanted them to make sure there wasn’t any video of me on Nasty Guy’s phone, and I didn’t want him following me as a grabbed a shuttle into Manhattan. FBI guy came back a few minutes later and said all he got was my elbow and it was deleted, and they would hold him until I was safely on my way. All in all I was delayed well over an hour by Nasty Guy’s shenanigans. On the bright side, when I returned to Newark three days later to catch my flight home, I saw the FBI guy standing with some airport security people, and we all had a good laugh over what a dipshit Nasty Guy was.
Holy hell! What a terrible experience. They should have locked Nasty Guy in one of the toilets.
This reminds me of I flight I was on from Vancouver, BC to LAX. I was up visiting my girlfriend (now wife) for the weekend and was taking a late flight back home. I had to be up for work the next day and as it was I wasn’t going to be getting much sleep. As we were taxing out on the runway I heard a commotion a few rows ahead of me and a girl in that row pushed the flight attendant call button. The flight attendant got on the intercom and told her that we were on an active taxi and she had to stay seated. The girl kept turning on and off the call button and yelling that it was an emergency. The plane came to a complete halt as one of the attendants went to investigate. Evidently a guy next to her was on his cell phone and when she told him to turn it off he said he would stick it up her ass. They brought the plane back to the gate and Mounties came and dragged him off. Then we had to wait for hours while they got his bags off the plane. I never went to sleep that night as I got home about an hour before I had to go to work.
Yet another horrifying airplane story. I had one or two trips from hell on planes, but I’m not much of a writer so will spare the details. I will say that back in 1971 my husband and I were returning from Chile to New York when there was a loud BANG and some flames (briefly) coming out of the wing just in front of me. As if that weren’t scary enough, the flight attendant came rushing up to our seats to ask what we had done. Afterward there was free champagne for the rest of the flight for the entire plane and we just assumed that an engine had ‘burped’. It took a long damn time before I got on another plane though!
Yikes! I would have needed my own bottle after that.
In this day and age I would be afraid of the backlash for writing such a post. People would attack you for fat shaming. I think it is a sad fact that people are getting bigger. Airplanes should do like hospitals. Have you notice they have made wheelchairs wider? They should be making wider seats on airplanes and not smaller ones.
While I am a compassionate person you will find that I don’t do the political correctness thing. I am who I am.
I fear that the seats will only get smaller so they can herd more cattle in for the bottom line.
I had a similar flight experience with the male version of Honey Boo Boo.. with a bonus. I don’t think the man had bathed in a month! Needless to say I ran the a/c vent non stop to try and cut the scent. Good times.
As for the loyal chatter? I’m stumped. But she (or he, it could be a he!) sounds like a wonderful blog friend.
Holy double Boo Boo! Yuck!
She, or he, certainly is!
What a nightmare, and I get that flying isn’t something one should dread but, I do. Granted I don’t fly much (thank goodness for that) but the few times I have, have been without incident.
You aren’t missing much. My role at work has changed and I don’t travel now. I don’t miss the air travel at all.
I’ve been lucky that my worst flying experiences have happened on the ground in airports, with flights being delayed due to weather. Nothing really exciting has ever happened to me in the air, although I did once see a lightning bolt from a plane. That was cool.
And you know the Twilight Zone episode? Shatner or Lithgow–take your pick. The first time I ever flew on a plane I was with my friend John. John liked to make a big show of always being brave and in control. It was his first flight too. The plane hadn’t even taken off yet and I started yelling “There’s a man on the wing!” And there was. He was in overalls and checking something. John just muttered, “Shut up, shut up…” and that’s when I realized John was really scared. So I decided to drop the “man on the wing” bit until we were in the air.
Christopher recently posted…Let’s Talk About It.
Ha! That’s classic you! I actually liked both versions of that episode.
I know who your chicken-liking, rocks and food picture-taking “regular visitor is, but I won’t reveal who she is because she weighs 400+ lbs and I don’t want to embarrass her. (just kidding)
You sir, are the Sherlock Holmes of the blogosphere. For your sake I hope you don’t live anywhere near Maine after that comment.😛
Keep laughing bun. Have you ever seen what a 400lb chicken can do to your car? It’s not pretty…
I giggled while reading this and waiting for my wretched kids to fall asleep (don’t ask!). My daughter asked what’s so funny. I said… Very few people write stuff that makes me laugh. This is one person who does!
Oh man, you just gave me the equivalent of blogger crack! I love it when someone says I made them laugh. Thanks!
I wondered how getting puked on while plummeting 1000 feet was going to be topped, and then I read on. You survived everyone’s nightmare. Congratulations and thanks for taking one for the team 🙂
Kristine Laco recently posted…Wait, I Still Need That
Ha! I took about 352 for the team. If you’re as clever as I’m pretty sure you are, you know where that number came from.