This small cog is being removed from the “normal” machine known as life and being installed in an “alternative” machine. This machine is going to allow us to live the rest of our lives for us and not for anyone else. We’ve given all we are going to for “them”. Now is OUR time!
The machine this small cog is getting installed in may be figuratively described, but it is also literally a machine! You’ve seen it already, haven’t you?

Let me lay it out for you. My wife has suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis all her life. Despite that, she has gone out and busted her ass working for a living. However, the time is long past due that she retire and go on disability. Then there is me. My liver disease has kept me from really living a life the last couple of years. I am done with that. Without rehashing the whole thing, I am basically waiting to get a liver transplant. The alternative to that is a big long nap and I’m not quite ready to take that nap without actually doing some more living other than sitting at home all day. I’d rather meet my maker out there on the road and up in the mountains than sit here in my house waiting for the grim reaper to come knocking at my door. He’s going to have to catch up to me if he wants me!
So with all those things in mind we sat down one day and decided we were getting out of the rat race, selling all our excess stuff, and moving into an RV full time. We are going to go where the wind blows us, and you can bet there will often be mountains in that air stream. There will also be visits to relatives all across the country and in Canada. It’s not going to be all fun and games. We don’t have an unlimited source of income and we didn’t win the lottery (yet), but one good thing that came from the COVID-19 pandemic, is that it taught us a lot of things can be done remotely that were thought not possible before. Because of my disease I have already been working remotely for over a year. My wife discovered she can do her type of work remotely also. So we will continue to be doing jobs, we’ll just be working from the RV. And when the work is done? We’ll be playing of course!
We have been forming this plan since the beginning of the year. I don’t think I have ever read more blogs, watched more YouTube videos, made more spreadsheets in my life. I’ve probably done more planning on this evolution than any other thing I’ve ever been involved in. When it came time to pull the trigger we knew we had done all the planning we could. We had to act. We were nervous but we were more excited and we pulled that trigger when we bought the rig a couple of weeks ago. We can’t afford a house payment and an RV payment, so there is no going back now! Everyone has been told, all notices have been sent. On July 1st we are going to reach escape velocity and we’ll be on the road! I’m not naive enough to think it’s going to be all puppy toes and rainbows. Hell, I’ve already had a few problems with the rig, and it’s brand new! Stay tuned for some stories on that subject. I can say I believe any of the difficulties we encounter in this venture will be overshadowed by the amazing places we will see and the good times we will have.

Now don’t worry. I am sure I will still be getting into many misadventures with this new life to fill my blog for your entertainment. We are in our early 50’s and we know nothing about RVing other than what we have seen on YouTube. Speaking of YouTube, after many viewings with my wife she suggested that we start our own channel to document our new life. I did just that, even though I have yet to get her on camera. The YouTube channel is called The RVIdiots. I named it that because that’s exactly what we are. Idiot RV owners who know nothing and are learning as we go. What could be more entertaining than that? Well, maybe water skiing squirrels, but we should run a close second. Check out the YouTube channel if you like and maybe even subscribe? In any case I’ll be posting links to the vids on here like I did for the previous post.
There you have it! The Plan revealed. Was it worth the wait? Oh yeah, BTW, we have been so busy trying to get moved into the rig and selling off our excess stuff that I haven’t had time to visit my favorite blogs. Please don’t take it personally. When all the madness dies down I’ll be back to annoying you with my juvenile comments.

12 thoughts on “THE PLAN – REVEALED!”
Do you have the locations of all the RV Parks? You’re going to have to fill up and empty out a bunch of stuff (often)as I’m sure you already know. I’m hoping for the best for you guys and will certainly check in as long as you post. I guess I’m just worried about long trips with the poor dogs going stir crazy with nothing to do and no running around inside. My fingers are crossed that you have smooth sailing with your land yacht, with just enough mishaps to fill a blog or two.
Yes, we have a RV Trip planner tool and we are also exploring some of the membership options from different services that give discounts to RV sites. We will mostly be shooting for National and State parks as well as any Army Corps of Engineers parks. I grew up staying at a few of those and they are fantastic. As a DOD employee I will also have access to RV parks on military installations. We also plan to go off grid (boondock) on public lands where you are allowed to camp for free, as well as mooch off some relatives by stealing their water and power! All kinds of options out there for us.
The doggos already sleep out here with me as I have only spent one night back in the house since we got the rig. Last weekend we ended up doing a one night boondock to do a maiden voyage and they loved it! I have a fold down bed just for them that they hang out on when we are driving and I let them roam on 50 foot leashes when we are stopped. They are probably going to be getting so much adventure they’ll forget about this house and backyard before long, and don’t worry, mishaps and me go hand in hand. I’m thinking there will be plenty of material to keep me in the blogging business for years to come.
I kind of thought that would be the plan, and because my wife and I have Dalmatians I’m super tickled you’ve got a Coachmen RV. Fun fact: Dalmatians were bred to trot alongside carriages as both guard dogs and companions. Because early firemen used carriages they adopted Dalmatians as their regular mascots.
Anyway I look forward to all your crazy adventures, and hope they’re fun crazy and not crazy crazy.
Christopher recently posted…Hey, Mr. DJ…
I never knew that about Dalmatians. That’s pretty cool, and as usual you have taught me something. I am sure The Leelander is going to find itself traveling through Memphis one day. On the day that happens I hope we can go get a beer. I won’t actually drink it but I’ll let it sit in front of me and pretend I’m going to drink it before I give it to you when you are finished with yours. As a matter of fact, another plan is forming in my mind to
stalkvisit all my favorite readers. Watch out! The Leelander is coming!You might want to hold off on visiting South Florida until (or IF) the weather ever cools off. This year we had a total of 5 days below the mid-70’s. No Winter to speak of at all!
Right now I would take some of that heat. It’ freaking freezing here today in VA in May!
Life is short… we might as well live it!
I envy you the new chapter, if not the tight living quarters. Does this mean you’re selling your house and cars? I love to travel but could never give up a home base.
I’ll definitely subscribe to your adventure channel. July 1rst isn’t that far away!
On July 1st the house is history and we are selling one of our cars. We are going to be towing the Jeep behind the rig so we’ll have some mobility when we are set up somewhere. With the slides out it’s actually a lot more spacious than you would think. It also helps that the wife and I have always traveled well together. If for some reason we are getting on each others nerves there is always that bedroom door and a loft to act as my doghouse. 🙂
You can bet that the Leelander will be making a trip to Maine. I want to lay eyes on Mt. Kahtadin. I won’t climb it yet though. Not until I get to it after a 2000 mile walk from Georgia. While we are up there I’d love to have dinner with you guys. I’d order the lobster to eat in front of you and you order a beer to drink in front of me. Deal?
Woah, good on you both! Wishing you many great adventures and happiness on this journey.
Thanks Kathy! Visiting you is going to be somewhat logistically difficult. If we ever spring for the amphibious upgrade we’ll swing by down under and have a fair dinkum of a time. Did I say that right?
Wohoo! Congrats! Happy for you both! I’m sure there will be abundant adventures ahead that become blog fodder 😉 Life is short, eat dessert first, and play, play like there’s no tomorrow.
Thank you Becky! Do I know you well enough to call you that yet? The way you took control of your life and went to live your dreams has definitely been an inspiration for me. We will certainly be rolling through Idaho at some point only if to visit the state that passed a special resolution declaring “Napoleon Dynamite” a great film and representative of the state. When we are there I would love to let our doggos meet and walk a spell in the beautiful mountains. Oh yeah, I wouldn’t mind meeting you either. 🙂