The LeeLander Has Been On The Road For One Year!
It’s been a hot minute since I put on an RVidiots video. I couldn’t let the one year anniversary of our departure from the stick and bricks to the full-time RV life go by without putting out something. So here it is, for your viewing pleasure…
10 thoughts on “The LeeLander Has Been On The Road For One Year!”
I can NOT believe it’s been a full year!
You made it all the way down to Jacksonville and didn’t decide to waste another 8 hours by driving down to visit me in Ft. Lauderdale?!?!?! I’m crushed! What month was it that you were ‘here’?
Saw your last video and loved it, so you’re getting much better at editing.
Getting ready to watch the rest of this video clip but have to say, I don’t see a link to the site you were referring to about your book……
We were there in September of last year. It was more of an emergency trip than a pleasure destination, although we managed to work some of that in too. Did you see the damaged jeep in the video? We had to go to Jax so we could borrow my Daughter-in-law’s car while the jeep was in the shop for three weeks. The link is in the comments section on the full YouTube site.
Hey stranger! Looks like you’ve been busy. Some fantastic scenery in your travels I see. Can’t say I envy you the work of the constant packing and unpacking but it definitely is a great way to see the country. Bet the boys are enjoying all the exploring!
I don’t think the boys have swam so much in their life, or rolled around in so many poop of different species for that matter! They are loving it, as are we, sans the poop thing. The packing/unpacking was a real hassle at first, but now we have it down to a routine. We are going to be in Maine in the fall before we cross over to Canada. You have a spot next to the party barn for us? 😛
I’m at work so I have not yet seen the video — just wanted to say hey. Hoping Wifey feels better.
Every time I see Half A 1000 Miles listed on your sidebar I get the feels *sniff*
Linda AKA Carolina
And it’s going to stay there forever in hope that it will be come active again one day!
I’m up at o’dark-thirty (as the missus likes to call it) so I gotta keep the sound down (she’s a sleeper; I’m a mornin’ creepa) but it’s good to see your face and the faces of the fam! Looks like in my long departure (can we call it a sabbatical?) I’ve missed a thing or two. Road warrior! Looks fun. I’ll try to scroll back in a few and grab some highlights. Like I said I saw the vid on mute so far but go ahead and spoil the ending. Did you croon?
Well, I droned on and then let the soundtrack croon for me.
Argh, I swear I commented here not long after you released the video and my comment, wise and funny and pithy as I’m sure it was, seems to have disappeared. Probably because I did something like forget to hit the button below before moving on, and that’s what happens when I try to blog and work at the same time. I need to get my priorities straight and focus on the important things and, you know, not worry about work.
Anyway I was tickled by the whole video but I especially liked the Halloween clips. You’re the best Jason ever.
Christopher recently posted…As Long As The Sun Shines.
I didn’t see your original comment in my spam folder but I had to rescue this one. What did you do to piss off my filter? It really hates you! Thanks, I had fun doing Jason. The day before, I put the mask on and my COVID mask over that and rode around town getting some very interesting looks from drivers beside me.