Several Longer Days. Longer and Much Better!

Several Longer Days. Longer and Much Better!

This is going to be short and sweet since I am still in the hospital and writing this on my autoovercorrecting phone. I got the CALL! I got a new liver! Woohoo! Everything is going good so far. Sore, but I can already feel the energy flowing back in me!

Next week is my birthday. I used to complain about how close it was to Christmas but this is one Bday/Xmas present I’m happy to get! Thank you anonymous donor for your life saving gift. I’ll write more on the details later. I’ll leave you with a couple of pix below.

My actual old and new livers.
Me with color already getting better!

Share this shit y'all!

9 thoughts on “Several Longer Days. Longer and Much Better!

    My prayers go out to the family who lost a loved one and is grieving, but thankful they allowed the sharing of his/her organs.
    I’m so happy for you – a real Christmas miracle!

  2. I can’t think of a better Christmas present than the gift of life. So very happy for you… I know it’s been a long road.

    1. Thank you! It has been a long road that had me wondering if there was anything but a dead end. So glad that’s not the case. A little more post care and it’s back on the road for us!

  3. Ari!!! I’m am thrilled for you! What a blessing this is. Take good care of yourself – you are going to be back on the road in no time! 🙏

  4. Every year around this time I pull out my copy of Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory” and one of the parts that sticks out for me is when young Truman’s cousin says she doesn’t mind doing without things she wants–but it bothers her that she can’t give others things they want. Well, a new liver is really a need rather than just a want and it’s a great gift for you, and also a gift for all of us who care about you and want you to keep spinning around on this little planet with the rest of us.
    Also I remember when you said even Dr. Lecter wouldn’t eat your liver. Well, now we can really test that.
    Christopher recently posted…Two-fer Tuesday.My Profile

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