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Month: June 2024

Found Footage

Found Footage

Sit back, settle in, and prepare yourself for this long story about how a short story has found it’s way to the light. OK, not really found footage, like the Blair Witch Project up there, but found wordage? Yeah, we’ll go with that. This found wordage had been lost for around 39 years. I say had, because it has been found! Found by me! When I was around 17 years old, I fancied myself as the next Stephen King and…

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John Thomas The White!

John Thomas The White!

I know you’ve all been worried sick about my John Thomas ever since you read this post. Oh, crap, I forgot to give you a **TRIGGER WARNING**! This post will, once again, be discussing some sexually sensitive subjects, so if that isn’t your bag, baby; go sit in the corner. That’s right, Patrick Swayze, I went there. However, I won’t get all braggadocios about it since you are literally a ghost now and I don’t want you thumping me on…

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I Don’t Have Ass Cancer!

I Don’t Have Ass Cancer!

After an exam and another round of tests it was determined that the previous test was a false positive. P.S. I know prostate cancer isn’t really ass cancer but that title was more eye (or ass) catching. P.S.S. Still continuing daily infusions for liver rejection. Will know how effective they’ve been at the end of the week.