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Author: Arionis

Why don’t he write?

Why don’t he write?

It’s been a while since I posted. I figured there might be a couple of people wondering what was going on with my life. The last time you heard from me, we were in Vancouver for the birth of our new grandbaby and about to celebrate Christmas. It’s almost April now and a lot has happened since then. I think I’ll catch you up bullet style. So, that’s pretty much my 2025 so far in a nutshell.

A Glass of Whine while I do a Year in Review

A Glass of Whine while I do a Year in Review

Is it Year in Review or Year End Review? Either way, let me warn you before we get started. I should have said a bottle of Whine, one of those big magnum suckers, because if you read further you are going to get drenched in it. You’ve been warned, proceed at your own risk: I was reading some of my old posts the other day and came across one I made in my first year of blogging. It stated that…

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I did a thing.

I did a thing.

Hey! I did a new thing! I wrote and published a book! Huh? How is that a new thing, you ask? Because this book has nothing to do with hiking or anything memoir related. This book is a fictional tale about a civilian tech rep who solve a murder on a navy ship. It’s called Tail of the Dragon. Click the image below if you want to check it out on Amazon.

Found Footage

Found Footage

Sit back, settle in, and prepare yourself for this long story about how a short story has found it’s way to the light. OK, not really found footage, like the Blair Witch Project up there, but found wordage? Yeah, we’ll go with that. This found wordage had been lost for around 39 years. I say had, because it has been found! Found by me! When I was around 17 years old, I fancied myself as the next Stephen King and…

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John Thomas The White!

John Thomas The White!

I know you’ve all been worried sick about my John Thomas ever since you read this post. Oh, crap, I forgot to give you a **TRIGGER WARNING**! This post will, once again, be discussing some sexually sensitive subjects, so if that isn’t your bag, baby; go sit in the corner. That’s right, Patrick Swayze, I went there. However, I won’t get all braggadocios about it since you are literally a ghost now and I don’t want you thumping me on…

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I Don’t Have Ass Cancer!

I Don’t Have Ass Cancer!

After an exam and another round of tests it was determined that the previous test was a false positive. P.S. I know prostate cancer isn’t really ass cancer but that title was more eye (or ass) catching. P.S.S. Still continuing daily infusions for liver rejection. Will know how effective they’ve been at the end of the week.

I don’t take rejection well, and evidently, neither does my new liver.

I don’t take rejection well, and evidently, neither does my new liver.

Let’s just get down to it. Remember a couple of posts ago when I said I wasn’t feeling well again and I had to make a trip back to Virginia to check in with my doctor? I did that. After him telling me on the initial visit that he wasn’t sure why I wasn’t feeling well because everything looked good (surprise, surprise), I asked him to at least run another blood panel on me while I was there. The next…

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Holy Holes, Batman!

Holy Holes, Batman!

Don’t know why I am writing about this. I was just thinking about it last night when I was trying to fall asleep. Instead of counting sheep, I counted all the holes I had in me after my transplant surgery. I’m sure Rivergirl will classify this as TMI, so I’ll give you that warning right now. Only proceed if you are wholly interested in my holes. When I woke up from my transplant surgery I had a number of things…

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One Step Forward Two Steps Back

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

Let me warn you now, this is going to be a Debbie Downer of a post. I had big aspirations for 2024 and so far it’s been less than stellar. I’m full of frustration and I think that if I write it all down it might make me feel a little better. I totally understand if you want to skip this post. I wouldn’t blame you at all. We spent the last four months of 2023 in Canada with my…

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