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Category: Writer Stuff

It’s Been A Wild Ride!

It’s Been A Wild Ride!

Hey! Remember me? I’ve been a bit distracted lately. Mostly because I’ve been spending a lot of time in my fantasy writing world. This last month was a big push to the end of the current novel I’ve been writing. Guess what? I finished the rough draft! It’s been an amazing 106,000 word journey. This one was different than the ones that came before. It took on a life of it’s own and I felt like I was just simply…

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Too Many Irons In The Fire?

Too Many Irons In The Fire?

More like too many projects in my Scrivener folder. I briefly mentioned before that I was working on three books a couple months ago. Since then, I started working on a short story and another novel. I thought I would be devoting the lion’s share of my writing efforts to Finn’s Descent, the follow up book to Sawyer’s Run. I have the general outline of the book laid out and written a few chapters but then the story stalled out….

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Kindle Vella, I see what you did there Amazon!

Kindle Vella, I see what you did there Amazon!

Amazon just started a new service called Kindle Vella, you know, like Novella? It’s a platform where authors can release serialized stories one episode at a time anywhere from 500 – 15,000 words long. Right now I am working on three books at one time. Am I crazy? Pretty much. Doing one book at a time was hard enough, but I just got three ideas at once and had to go with it. One of the books is a follow…

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